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Build your tribe or community!

Aug 12, 2018

Show me your closest 5 friends or associates, and I'll be confident in guessing how you will behave.  The old adage "guilty by association" many times is true.

So, how are you actively building the tribe or community you would be proud to show your friends, family, or the world?

This week's video was inspired by my good friend and coach, Lisa Pezik.  I met Lisa at a networking event a while back, and we hit it off.   She has a wonderful message to help women grow in business, and great energy that is uplifting.  

I had the distinct honor to spend about an hour with her on her podcast (link here) this week, and I absolutely loved it!  If you are on my email list, I'll send you a link this Thursday when it's live.  If you are not on the email list, make sure you sign up so you get the email!

Helping Lisa serve her audience got me thinking about how fortunate I am to help you, and got me thinking about building our tribe even more.

I think it comes down to four main points.

  • Network - Get out in the world, and meet people
  • Be courageous - Show up as your authentic self
  • Give - Freely give of yourself, your time, and your help
  • Show respect - Understand everyone has a journey, a past, and a story that may be different from you

Some questions to help you think through building your tribe more are below.  Pick up your favorite journal and explore the following questions:

  • Where can I get out and meet like minded people?
  • How can I show more of my authentic self out in the world?
  • How can I make someone's day by creating a moment, or helping out?
  • How can I show more respect for someone else's journey?
  • What would my life look like if I had a community that inspired, uplifted, and supported each other more?

I hope you found these questions interesting!  

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