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Dealing With Exhaustion? Use These Five Questions

Feb 13, 2022

Exhaustion is different from burnout. Burnout is doing the same thing, with the same rhythm, over and over again until you stop doing it effectively. 

Exhaustion comes at you from different angles. It's losing co-workers as people move jobs, and you need to cover all their tasks and get your's done. It's constantly having your routines interrupted by a fast-changing and uncertain world. It's all the craziness on the news that gets you freaked out about how the world is a terrible, scary place. It's the people who've forgotten how to be patient and socialize that scream at the barista because their coffee didn't have cream in it. And there are tons of other ways we can feel weary of the world.

So what happens when we feel wiped out? In general, we stop thinking we are role-modeling good behavior in the world, we turn to distractions, and we start comparing ourselves to others. This usually makes us feel more drained because we don't feel like our actions matter, so we procrastinate and feel stressed over deadlines or feel like we are falling behind.

If this sounds like you, here's the good news. You can get through this exhaustion and malaise! It will take some work and refocusing on habits, and I've worked with so many folks in my coaching practice that I know these are the habits that make the most significant difference in how people feel day-to-day. 

Let's start with the question, "What's your plan to feel energized, positive, and motivated?"

Now listen, some of you will have a plan, some are in survival mode with no plan, and some are somewhere between. It's my job as a coach to ask the question and push you to implement your ambitions quicker.

So if you don't have a plan, get in the game! Here are a few things to think through to ensure you have all areas of your life covered. If you do have a plan, is it holistic? Use this checklist to help ensure you aren't forgetting anything that might help you move quicker.

  • Are you clear on where you feel exhausted in your life? Is it your work, health, personal relationships, or general well-being? Do you have a way to mitigate each exhaustion point?
  • Are you taking care of your energy SHED? Sleep, hydration, exercise, diet?
  • Are you boldly asserting and advocating for yourself in your life? Do the people around you know what you need, think, and do?
  • Do you know what spins you into distraction or pulls you off focus? What could you do the next time you lose focus?
  • Do you feel connected to your family, friends, co-workers, or community members? 

Does your plan cover everything on this list now? Amazing job! 

Now, how would you level it up to bring more excellence or speed to your plan? :) This question separates the highly effective, happy folks from the rest. I want that for everyone, and my most successful clients are the ones who push themselves to more effectively implement.




Struggling with getting out of survival mode? Do you want to feel like you are progressing to your best life again? What if we could create a plan for you to feel more confident, joyful, and clear on what you are working towards?

Good news! I have a few high performance strategy session spots open.  Apply using the link below, schedule your FREE one-hour session, and let's talk through your high performance plan, so you can feel clear and excited for your future!

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