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Five things to evaluate when thinking about quitting a project or job

Jul 22, 2018

Ever struggle with figuring out if it's time to switch jobs, companies, and/or projects? 

In this video, I share the thought process I would go through with a client on making a big life change.

For those that want a quick summary, here are the five criteria I use to help me evaluate a big move:

  1. Will this help me build skills I'll need for the future
  2. Will this help me focus on a few things, more?
  3. Will letting this go bring me more joy and happiness, or free me up to experience more joy and happiness.
  4. Will letting this go help free me to spend more time with family and friends?  Will the new thing prevent me from spending much time with family and friends?
  5. Will I have a backup plan if the new thing doesn't work out?  How can I mitigate any risks from ending this project, or starting a new one?

You can rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 on each of these questions if you are trying to decide between two opportunities.  The one rated higher is probably the better choice!

I hope you find this helpful, and see you guys next week!

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