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Five things to Feel More Confident In Your life

Jul 15, 2018

Hey There!

Trying out doing the weekly video on YouTube live, and planning to record there for at least the next month and post the video here.

This week's video is about a question I often get from my coaching clients - "How do I feel more confident at...", or "How can I feel enough for...".  

I've been there in my life at times, and chances are there have been times where you have struggled with feeling confident in your life, too.

When we are not confident, we cannot perform at a high level.  We become overwhelmed with the challenge, we become distracted, we feel out of control of our lives, and we can't struggle through the tough parts of the task. 

Fortunately, confidence can be generated!  Here are my five ideas to get more confident when you need it.

  1. Consistency 
  2. Challenge
  3. Agency
  4. Acceptance
  5. Consistency  :)

Check out the video for more context.  Hope you enjoyed this post, please feel free to comment or share this post, and check you folks next week!

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