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Four Tips to Get Clearer on Your Goals for 2018

Jan 07, 2018

The big goal for me this year is to get into the best health of my life!

How can I make sure that I don't fizzle out two weeks into January?  Here are my four best ideas to get clearer on your goals.

  1. Make actionable steps.  Frame steps to achieve your goals into action statements.  "Lose weight" turns into "Eat a salad every day".  This will help guide you when you need to work on your goals.
  2. Be Clearer and more specific.  If you don't know what the next step is, you risk getting pulled into the research loop without actually getting things done.  Do all the research at once, and know what exactly needs to get done to get to your end result.
  3. Chose or make inspiring goals.  At the end of the day, if you don't see yourself being better off by completing your goal, or the pain from not completing it, then it will be a chore to get motivated to get at it.
  4. Keep is simple. The simpler the steps and process, the more likely you are to move forward.  Try to boil things down to necessary steps, and cut out any fluff. 

So for me as an example, some steps to get into my best health ever are:

  • Exercise three times a week (running and weights), and report workouts to friends
  • Save alcohol for special occasions, and do not drink with dinner

I can further refine this into:

  • Run twice a week for one hour on the treadmill at work
  • Do a full body kettlebell workout at least once a week to build muscle

What goals do you have?  How can you refine your steps to make sure you get 'em done?


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