Good Vibes to you on "Crazy Shopping Day After Thanksgiving"
Nov 29, 2019
I know today is Black Friday, so let me first share I do not have anything to sell you today. I am working on something free for you early next month because you are great and I want to show you some appreciation. I admire folks striving to realize their dreams and have a greater impact on their teams and communities.
So why am I sending an email to you on "Crazy shopping day after Thanksgiving"? Well, for those willing to brave the crowds, it can be a stressful day. Having worked retail for years in high school, and then on the corporate side at Wal-mart, you can see best intentions turn good people into crazy bargain monsters.
For some folks, it's the chance to get gifts affordably. For some, it's the thrill of the bargain. For others, it's a family tradition that starts the holidays.
Having worked in retail, you can really see the best and worst in people this time of year.
My wish today is no matter if you out in the malls, waiting for cyber Monday, or sitting out this part of the shopping cycle altogether, is to share something positive as we move into December.
That message is, December is for family, friends, and dreaming for a better new year.
Feel connected to your close people, be thankful they are around to celebrate, rest and get ready for a great 2020!
My wife and I will be going for a hike later today, then doing thanksgiving #2 with her folks. Later this month I'll be back home in Chicago to visit my Dad and the close friends I grew up with. There will be gift-giving, and the thing I will appreciate the most is the time and laughter we spend together. I wish the same for you!
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