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How to handle delay, or that one thing you have been putting off for a while...

Mar 05, 2018

Have you ever put off doing something you knew would move you forward towards your dreams or the life you want?

Starting that new business?  Having that tough conversation with the kids about keeping their room clean?

Same for me.

I spent 5 years on a 2-year plan right out of college, trying to figure out what I wanted to do and building up the courage to actually leave the comfortable corporate gig I had.

Most times people delay because of three things: fear, lack of confidence, and lack of clarity.

 I was afraid of leaving my known corporate job because I had over $70,000 of student debt and didn't know how I would keep up with the payments.  I was afraid that the next gig I could get wouldn't be fulfilling or would be even more stressful than my corporate IT job.

I was not sure I could get another job, or if I could ever figure out a way to get rid of my student debt.

I had no idea what I really wanted for my career.  Up until getting the job at Walmart ISD, my whole goal was to get through college because that "opened up doors" and lead to "good jobs".

These are the big reasons my 2-year plan turned into a 5-year plan.

Have you ever been in a similar situation?  How did you get moving forward?

For me, it came down to three components lining up:

  • Get clarity using if/then rules
  • Getting in the game with Action
  • Find mentors to help guide the way

I clarified what I wanted out of my work and life through journalling.  I started working on a new business outside my day gig, and I found a mentor who asked me one the biggest questions that changed my life:

"Are you living your truth?"

I nearly fell out of my chair, and it motivated me to give up the nice corporate job and commit fully to starting my business.  I felt fully alive, exhilarated, and a bit freaked out the next year I was self-employed.  I learned a lot, and landed on my feet with a more fulfilling gig and a better idea of who I am.

So if you are delaying starting something, I suggest you start something - even if it's a small step.  You never know where it will lead!  You got this!

Have a  great week!



If you are curious on how to move forward at a more advanced level, check out the video here.

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