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How to handle feeling alone

Mar 11, 2018

Have you ever felt like you were out of your element, didn't fit in, or out of place?

I used to feel all three of these back when I started my first job.  I moved to Arkansas from the Chicagoland area, and didn't know many people.  Everyone was great, but it just didn't feel like home.

It impacted how I showed up at work, and in my social life.  I wasn't happy.

Luckily, I had some mentors who helped me move past with some great advice.  For me, there are three things that can help you feel more connected, more engaged, or more part of the community if you ever feel out of sorts.

  1. Ground yourself in Gratitude 
  2. Figure out what you want
  3. Go Help Someone Else

The next time you are struggling to fit in, try one of these and see if they help!


If you are curious about high performance coaching and how to move forward to a more advanced level, check out the video here.

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