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How To Handle Tough Relationships

Dec 05, 2021

 The quality of your relationships determines your success.

Your ability to connect, respect, and direct people all comes down to your relationship with them.

When we can build strong relationships, we can lead people. When we lead, we increase our value in organizations and our support in our personal lives. 

What happens when we don't lead? We are more likely to have conflict and frustration. It's hard to get the kids to pick up after themselves when they don't value our relationship with them. We can't interact with family when we believe they don't respect us. Business deals require us to have positive influence with others. We escalate with difficult people instead of de-escalating 

Bullies never bugged me because they were never important to how I viewed myself. If I didn't hold your opinion in high regard, why would I listen to you? So most folks would try to get to me but eventually gave up because they never got a rise out of me.

On the other hand, my parents, brother, or close friend's opinions held extreme weight.  A critique from one of them caused tons of consideration and reflection.  And I'm a better human because not letting down those folks is such a mission in my life. 

  1. Close, Maintain, or Let-Go 
  2. Intention To Improve The Relationship
  3. Generous Surprises
  4. Co-Create
  5. Blank Slate

Use these principles to build solid and key relationships with others. Because when we build relationships, we build success.




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December 15th, 2021 @ 1 PM PST


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