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How To Overcome Fear

Oct 31, 2022

Fear stops us from progressing because we don't have the right HABITS to handle most fears.

Understanding fear and overcoming it is essential since most fear when it doesn't relate to physical safety, is in our minds. Recognizing we are not in mortal danger every time we are afraid allows us to overcome the fear and move forward.

Most people experience three types of fear:

  1. Loss fear - We will need to give something up for change or progress.
  2. Process fear - The actions required to change will be painful and miserable
  3. Outcome fear - Our future results won't be awesome or matter

Most all fears fall into one of these three categories. So how can we overcome each type of fear? HABITS!

  1. Ask and connect to what you GAIN from making the change.
  2. Extend the benefits to others and focus on WHY the change is necessary to help your family, friends, work, or communities. List out how change impacts those around you.
  3. Ask why your actions MATTER and are worth seeing through

These three habits are excellent at shrinking fear when it crops up, when it's not life-threatening. Managing fear is critical so we can keep taking continuous action toward our big ambitions and goals.


If you know you NEED to make a significant change in your career, health, relationships, or wellness and are not clear on what that looks like, then let's do a coaching session.

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