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Influence Is Being In Community!

Apr 10, 2022

People are persuading and influencing others all the time. It could be getting your kids to pick up the room, convincing your spouse to try that new restaurant, getting your patient to exercise more, or giving advice on what college to go to.

So many people feel gross about persuading others because they think it’s about tricking people into doing something they don’t want to do.  

Truthfully, influencing others is a form of feeling in community. Most people, when asked, will list family members as the most influential people in their lives. In high school, your friends tend to hold a large amount of influence over you (and you over your friends). 

Why? From sociology, we know proximity is one factor in how we influence people. You spend the most time with family and people you like, so when you need help, you naturally reach out to your close people. Introverts, even more so. 

So who are the most significant three people to influence you in your life? I bet, if you thought about it, they all would have three things in common. They:

  1.  Teach us how to think
  2.  Challenge Us
  3.  Role-model The Way 

When we realize these three things in common, coupled with the idea of influencing to feel in community with people, it becomes necessary to be more with the important people in your life.

Use your superpower to engage one-on-one or in small groups to lead more effectively because influence is being in community!

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