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Is Your Environment Keeping You From Speaking Up?

Aug 01, 2022

Have you ever worked in an environment where you didn’t trust the people you worked with, so you didn’t speak up when there were problems?

So many people are afraid of speaking up at work because they have a terrible boss or co-workers who want to tear them down for every mistake they make. It sucks when you are in a toxic environment, especially if you’ve thought, “I just want to do my work without the drama!”

It can be tough if you are one of the folks working in a toxic environment. It’s one of the reasons high performers are leaving organizations - they are escaping organizations that are too focused on drama and not enough on making a difference to the people they serve.

So how do high performers help improve their organizations or level up their output despite bad work environments? Well, we need more people to LEAD and level up their performance. How? Here are five proven methods to level up and lead more at your job.

1) Speak to the Highest Denominator; Raise Expectations
2) Talk about performance, not drama
3) Focus on the big goal, and communicate the big goal
4) Be A Weapon At Your Job
5) Don’t be afraid to change gigs

The past few years have been about feeling safe and coping with how the world’s changed. However, the people who will succeed and win in the next year are the ones who focus on performance and finding the right environment that supports them in their careers.

Being unable to speak about problems at work openly means the environment isn’t great. But don’t let a lousy environment hold you back in your career!




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