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Movement or how to become a supple leopard?!?

Jul 08, 2018

Im pretty excited to have picked up a cool book today, called "Become a Supple Leopard" by Dr. Kelly Starrett (check it out on amazon here.

I was introduced to Dr. Starrett from my good friend Jim, which made it cool to see him appear on some of my favorite podcasts.

So, what in the heck is a supple leopard?

What it breaks down to is being able to move with flexibility, and without effort.  Having a tech gig where I am constantly sitting has not made Mr. Shawn Buttner very supple.  So to better take care of my body, I decided to start implementing more movement training into my workouts.

The basics of the book are this.  The human body should be able to move, with full range, in some basic patterns.  You test how you can do these basic moves (like a complete squat without weight), and if you can't then you have some mobility to repair.  Check out Kelly's mobilitywod videos on youtube to see some of the magic yourself.

I'll keep you guys posted on some of the super cool things I learn going forward.  I just wanted to share with you what I have been geeking out about the past few days! 

Have a wonderful productive week, my friends!

Coach Shawn

PS, I have some exciting news coming soon regarding something people keep asking me about.  Check the blog out next week to hear about it!

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