Prevent Paralysis By Analysis!
Jul 18, 2022Have you ever put off a big decision longer than you wanted?
Maybe you saw someone interesting at the coffee shop and wanted to say hi, but you went over every scenario in your head? Maybe you hesitated on making a decisions at work that cost the company thousands of dollars.
Then, you beat yourself up for not saying anything when you wanted to, and wonder if something is wrong with you.
I've felt that lack of self-confidence and doubt, until I learned an effective technique to prevent the self-doubt or overthinking from getting in the way of action.
It's called 'the three second rule'.
It's something I picked up when I was studying how to date (yes, I am a big nerd.) The idea is super simple. Count down from three when you see someone you want to talk to, or you need to make a quick decision.
You might be thinking, "what if I only say half the words when I talk. (like" Hi. Meet. Great. Bye." lol), or sometime embarrass myself?
Listen, you probably will! Ad that's human, and life. It's messy.
Here's the thing, though. Messy is where we find growth, unexpected goodness, and adventure.
It's like what you are supposed to do when performing music. If you miss a note, or mess up, keep going like you know what you are doing because most people won't notice or care if you make a mistake. People actually love mistakes, and they can become some of your best melodies or favorite parts of your songs.
There is novelty in mistakes, and people LOVE novelty.
You can't force mistakes, but you can push yourself to be present in your life.
Use the three-second rule when you need to act, get out of your head, or get past uncomfortable and into presence and adventure!
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