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Reduce The Impact Of Interruptions With This One Habit

Jul 17, 2022

You are in the zone, 100% in flow working on code or something, and then… Knock knock. “Hey, I need you for something real quick .” Something real quick means most of the day. Then, when you finally get back to your desk, you start to figure out where you were, and… knock knock.

It can feel frustrating and stressful when we are constantly interrupted. When we are interrupted for long periods, we can lose motivation or feel burnt out.

Wherever we work, at home or in the office, managing interruptions to protect and cultivate our attention is an art. With all the new ways work or others can access our attention 24/7, we need strategies to manage all the information coming in. Why? Because often other people’s priorities are not our own. 

Instead of allowing people to demand and get our attention, we need to be a little more strategic. Build in a “cooling off period” before you agree to shift your focus and priority. Be crystal clear on what your priorities are for the day so you know why to say “no” at the moment.

There is one habit that can help you immensely, and that is to plan your “power hour.”

What’s a power hour, you might ask?

The power hour is the first hour of your workday, and it’s spent planning the day and completing the one thing you MUST finish before the end of the day. I talk about it in a new PDF I created called ‘Focus Like and Introvert,’ which covers five strategies to make your power hour the most effective and productive time in your day.

Focus Like An Introvert, and learn more about five world-class strategies to improve your focus at:


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