Something New!
Oct 25, 2020Ever wonder how you could get some free support from a coach?
If you are struggling with a transition like career change, figuring out your path forward, how to improve relationships, or anything else, sometimes you need an extra perspective.
Each week we try to think about how can we get you moving forward in your life, how can we increase your quality of life, and how we can help you find more ambition and optimism.
So far I've been offering free 1-hour one-on-one strategy sessions to, #1 help people, and #2 give people an idea on how certified high performance coaching can help them get ahead.
This week I'd love to try something new. If you are willing, I'd like to coach you through one question or situation that's been keeping you from advancing towards your big goals and dreams!
So what's the catch? Well, we will be live on Instagram as I coach you through any question on personal development, relationships, my experience in the tech industry, starting a business, or whatever you are after or struggling to accomplish.
If that's you, be sure to follow @coach_shawn_buttner, and take this small questionnaire to qualify!
Click here to take the quick 4 question survey and get started:
Elite 1:1 Coaching
Discover more about yourself, make decisions quicker, improve performance, live better, and more!
Click the button below to learn the #1 thing that prevents most people from succeeding more in their lives, and apply for a free 1-hour strategy session with Certified High performance Coach, Shawn Buttner.
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