Start The Day Right With These Three Habits
Sep 07, 2022(Check out these blogs going LIVE on my YouTube channel every Monday)
The tried and true morning routine - a staple of personal development. Why? Because how we start our day sets the tone for how productive, happy, relaxed, and connected we feel for the day.
In systems thinking, there is an adage that relates to why morning routines are essential. Garbage in is garbage out.
So what's good and what's garbage when we start our days?
A good start helps us feel energized and excited for the day. It sets the foundation to maintain and sustain our energy, feel positive, and handle anything that might throw us off track.
A not great way to start the day starts with dread, rushing, and anxiety. Usually, it feels like we are on autopilot getting caffeine and rushing to start with the day's first obligations.
So what are three things all morning routines should include?
- Journalling - Write down three things you feel grateful for in your life, the big goal for the day, and something you look forward to doing to make your mindset optimistic and positive. If you want to be a bit more advanced, journal what might trip you up and what you can do to handle those situations positively.
- Movement - Yoga, a morning walk, stretching, exercise, anything to move the sleepy through your body and get you energized and ready for the day!
- Transition - Habits to transition into the productive part of the day. Hygiene, getting ready, coffee, meditation, self-talk, or whatever you need to do to signal to yourself that it's "go time!"
These are my three must-haves for a morning routine. What are yours? Please share them in our Inspired community (join here for free) so we can cheer you on, hear your great ideas, or help you problem-solve any specific issues you have in your morning routine.
Also, if you'd like some other habits or ideas, check out The Meaningful Revolution Podcast episodes with Michael Ceely (talks about morning gratitude journalling) or Carrie Petri (out this Thursday. Eat. Move. Breath.)
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