Happy Thanksgiving!
Nov 25, 2021I hope you all get to spend some great time with family today!
A mentor of mine suggested something I'd like to share with you today.
Here's a simple gratitude practice for today:
- Please step away from the food and entertainment today, for just 5 MINUTES, and send an audio text message to 5 friends or family who you are not in-person with.
- Just thank them for being in your life, encourage them to have a great and blessed today, and wish them joy and that you hope to see them again soon. You can do that in 60 seconds for each person I'm sure of it!
- Just 5 audios of gratitude to the people in your life. You can do that. Pause the movie, step away from the food, take a walk outside and just send the audios. You'll be happy you did, and people will appreciate that you are thinking of them today.
It's simple, and a great way to honor the good people around us in life.
I can't share enough how I appreciate you all for your support, inspiration, and tenacity in your personal growth. Keep going!
Wishing you joy and abundance today for thanksgiving!
Want to end the year strong? Join me for a three-day workshop series this December 1 - 3, @ 1pm PST. We'll go over mindsets to finish the year strong, reflections this past year, and planning for next year! Get signed up for notifications and the link below.
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