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The Choice.

Oct 31, 2021

Inevitably, in life, we face the choice. 

The choice is what we choose to do when faced with hardship.

We all face struggles and challenges. Nobody escapes it. So when we face adversity, challenge, struggle, hardship, difficulty, disaster, and the like - we have the choice to respect the struggle or not. To find meaning, despite difficulty.

We don't have to accept it or think it's fair. We can even think, why now or why me?

In the end, we make the choice - to find a higher meaning in our lives or succumb to anger, frustration, hopelessness, or despair.

So struggle is overcome by finding meaning. How do we find or create meaning?

First, we find meaning in working toward something big: An idea, ideology, mission, or purpose. It's why doctors can work 48 hours straight. It's not healthy for them to skip sleep, but if your mission is to help heal people, you do what you have to save lives. You put your exhaustion, feelings, and self behind doing the best job you can.

Secondly, we can find meaning in relationships. Knowing we need to do the job we hate or dislike because it feeds the kids and keeps the family sheltered. The act of service to our families provides the meaning and means to overcome hardship. Doing something for the good of our community can help us make the tough choice to sacrifice land or resources.

Ultimately, the choice and meaning are about connecting to your contributions. How are you serving, helping, adding to, elevating, and inspiring others? 

So how do you honor and connect to your contributions? It's thinking:

  • "What good am I putting into the world, in this moment?"
  • "How do I stop the negativity I sometimes put out into the world, consciously or unconsciously?"
  • "How do my action impact others?" and "What am I role-modeling for those that look up to me?"

... and then make 'the choice' to step up, humbly learn, and do the best to do the right thing.

When we need to make 'the choice,' choose to honor your contributions!

Check out the video on Youtube, here:




Need some extra help getting clear on what's important to you?  Check out my free Six Secrets of Success training to learn what all high-performers and successful people have in common. (One of the secrets is finding clarity about what's important to you)

Check it out here:


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