The Ups And Downs Of Productivity
Jun 12, 2022We all have had struggles with productivity at some point in our lives.
It shows up as slow progress on work things or the feeling we can never get ahead. Sometimes it shows up in being distracted when we are with our spouse, kids, family, or close friends. Other times it's frustrating that we opt to sacrifice our workouts or healthy food habits.
There are tons of ways we can goof up our productivity.
This week, for me, it's been a combination of poor sleep and some intense feelings... like anxiety and irritability. It was to the point where the habits and tactics I usually use were not working.
As I got frustrated with my lack of productivity this week, I had to remind myself to have a little grace and say, "Hey, one day feeling off is ok. But, if it lasts more than a day or two, you have a bigger issue to figure out."
With a client, I'd remind them that we can't be 100% productive 100% of the time. Then, I'd probably ask them if they were a robot, with a big smile, and chuckle with them when they said no. Then I'd ask what they were going to do about it, how were they going to get back on track?
Get back into action. That would be the point and the hook back to productivity.
That's why I am writing this blog post instead of working on my secret project today. And that's ok because I needed to write a blog this week anyways.
So what's the point in sharing all this with you?
Well, maybe you needed a reminder to not be a robot, to take a breath, and to do something different because you were feeling stuck, anxious, or grumpy.
It's also to illustrate that even High Performance coaches have bad days and need to do the work to keep on track and consistent with THEIR productivity.
If anything, I hope these words help normalize that productivity is an average over some time, not the one bad Wednesday you had this week.
When I go more than a day of low productivity, I engage my coach network to get help to get back into gear. That's why you hire a coach sometimes, to help get you out of your slumps.
With that said, the big idea this week is.... where do you need re-assess goals, processes, and how you are showing up?
What areas of your life need a reset?
Is it a new workout schedule? Is it spring cleaning on projects that have stalled out and aren't high priority? How could you make things more fun?
Whatever it is, do the reset TODAY! Plan it out, and start working towards it immediately so that you get your second wind for the year's second half.
Your family, good words, and communities deserve the most ideal version of your service and goodness.
So let's kick YOUR ideal you into gear! You got this!
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