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Three Books I Recommend to Level Up!

Apr 02, 2018

I often get questions about books that might help people get ahead in work, relationships, or life.

This week's video is all about three of my favorite books to recommend. 


If you ever struggled relating to people, or getting close, you need to check out the classic How to Win Friends and Influence People.  It’s more about building relationships than being doctor Evil or manipulation.  
Building Relationships:  How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie
If you want to be liked, you just need to act like a good person.  To paraphrase:
  1. Listen more, speak less
  2. Know the other person’s interest, and speak to those interests
  3. Project Positivity and smile
  4. Know and address people with their name
  5. Be curious and interested in others
  6. Make other people feel important, with heart
Persuasion and communication - Influence by Caldini:
This book shares how persuasion works, and it great for when you need to get people on your team or to see when others are using these techniques on you.
The quick paraphrased tenants of influence are, in no particular order:
  1. Get people to like you (thank you Mr. Carnegie!)
  2. Give a reason WHY 
  3. Give value, then ask for reciprocation
  4. Get people to acknowledge who they are, and align influence towards that identity
  5. Show how others benefited from taking action
  6. Confidence and authority
  7. Limited or scarce  
High Performance and Life - High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard:
For general getting ahead, High Performance Habits from Brendon is awesome!  Much of the research behind CHPC is based off of Brendon's research.  So improving your Clarity, energy, courage, productivity, influence, and necessity can lead to profound life changes!
This book works, has worked for me, and has worked for my clients. The breakthroughs form working on these six areas are why I love coaching!
Have a great week,
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