Got Feedback? Audio
Got Feedback? Introduction
Shawn Buttner: You cannot improve the things that you don't know, and today we're gonna be talking about feedback, specifically about how to get and improve your podcast through surveys. Podcast analytics are tough, so we need to get creative on how we measure our shows and how we apply that to grow them.
I've compiled some interesting things about the topic of podcast analytics. I'm Shawn Buttner, host of the Meaningful Revolution podcast and certified high performance coach since 2015. I help people find and connect with their passions while preventing burnout so they can sustainably put out their creative works into the world.
What we are talking about today
Shawn Buttner: So today, you'll learn how you can solicit feedback for your creative works, how to provide feedback for this show as we're making tweaks and changing it, what's wrong with current podcast analytics, and how to finish the year strong as we're getting [00:01:00] to the year.
Welcome to the Meaningful Revolution Podcast
Shawn Buttner: This is, the Meaningful Revolution podcast where we help creators focus on the performance side of being a creator.
And with that, let's jump into it.
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Deep Diving into Podcast Analytics
Shawn Buttner: So recently I've been deep diving on podcast videos and courses trying to figure out how to improve the show. some of you may have noticed a new format I've been splitting my time between editing for the audio podcast, on platforms like Apple or Spotify, and for YouTube.
I've. found out that those are two different audiences, which makes sense from the data I have. I've been focused on measuring the show to know if it's working if you are new here an old friend someone I've interviewed or anyone else listening I'm very grateful that you're here.
And the Idea of [00:02:00] podcasting, the whole technical nature of podcasting means that this is mostly a one way street. I talk into a microphone and sometimes I hear back from y'all sometimes I don't at the end of the day it can be really frustrating or overwhelming or confusing as to if things are working, if you're getting value from this show or not.
I really started to focus on that. so many things in life, we don't always get the feedback or have the information on how to improve. how can we improve this? how do we figure this out? I think the first thing that comes to mind for me is a book called measure what matters.
the gist is the things that you are measuring are the things that you can improve upon. And so often we don't take the time to really consider what matters, in the podcasting world, I'll use [00:03:00] example of this show in particular, since I have data for that and can speak to it.
most podcast platforms are Apple or Spotify. they measure things differently, which is annoying since you're not comparing apples to apples if you're growing your audience on both platforms. and it's not counting every other podcasting platform that uses the
I have a podcast that doesn't track downloads listens or comments inherently the ecosystem of podcasting doesn't help with analytics, On top of that, Apple or Spotify, can track downloads. Apple has an engaged listeners statistic. It's really hard because all this data is in different spots to have an accurate picture of what's going on.
one of those main things is downloads. The tool I use to publish the podcast, Kajabi,can compile downloads across all platforms, Which is great. It's a great way to, Estimate how well the podcast is doing,
It doesn't tell me if people are [00:04:00] engaged. It doesn't tell me how long people are listening. It doesn't tell me,when people drop off, like YouTube, which is why I've been publishing this as a video podcast and like the metrics that YouTube provides, but it's a different audience altogether. so trade offs are there, the question is, I'm getting to this Measure What Matters book in a roundabout way, are downloads a good measure for the strength of a podcast?
through the different trainings I've been doing recently, the answer is no, There are many ways this could go wrong with this particular measurement. think about The KPIs you have at work or the things you're measuring in your creative works, your podcasts, YouTube, books, sales, whatever it is in your life.
be thinking about whether this measure actually matters to the growth of your company, craft, or personal growth, many people don't [00:05:00] ask that question enough. You might, as you're starting out, have an idea of what that is, and then that's just the thing you're measuring, you get some momentum, but don't ever think back on it.
But, does that matter? For me in the podcast, especially for the goals that I have for this podcast, which is to help creators not burn out,to help them with everything except the creative side of what they're doing. how they feel about their work, how they feel about themselves, time management, productivity, how.
impactful their work is out in the world, those types of things, which are in the high performance side. As a high performance coach, this makes sense why I'm focused on that. wanting to be the high performance coach for creators. I want to focus on that and not so much how to create a podcast or how to do a great YouTube intro, but these are all things I have to learn in order to help.
With the main goal of the podcast. I want to be tracking [00:06:00] engagement. if you're listening to this, I'd love for you to take a survey which is in the show notes, to help me get some feedback on the show.
Fill Out the survey
Shawn Buttner: So I'm tracking that through engagement and engagement could be something like filling out a survey. if you fill out the survey you'll qualify for a free one hour of coaching with me about whatever you are focused on in your life.
applying the high performance process will get you a plan and something you can do right off the bat to help advance your life. I would love to meet you and learn more about what's going on and how I can help or how this show can help you. So that's the whole gist of this feedback form.
What else could engagement be?
Shawn Buttner: engagement could also be leaving reviews or comments And I know in this show, I've been very terrible with asking for specific things. And Being consistent with asking for [00:07:00] engagement. So as I'm sharing this isn't anything that I'm saying that I'm perfect at.
I'm in it too, trying to figure this out. And luckily there's mentors and tons of information on things. So I'll be reporting back probably at the end of this year with how this survey went, with how,The changes to the podcast have been since I started this last month. so if you want to help show that you're engaged, fill out that,worksheet that's down at the bottom, or you could go to a bitly link, HTTPS backslash bit.
ly backslash MRP dash feedback. And that little link should get you to the form. I was at the Notion Make event. This is all relevant to the feedback form. Because I was there, I got access to,the Notion forms feature that they haven't [00:08:00] released for everyone, but for people that were at this event.
you might be thinking, what is Notion? Notion is like Evernote on steroids. It’s a note taking app where you can create databases on the fly. It's how I organize and run this show with research tracking episodes and guests, and. All the different bits of information that go up on YouTube and the podcasting app
I love Notion and I'm trying out this new feature. if you love Notion and you're curious about this form feature? go to the link, and you'll see it in action. If you have never used Notion and don't care about it, but just want to help me out and take the quick 10 minute survey to help me improve the podcast, I'd really appreciate it
if you're just here to listen. Totally get that too. No pressure on writing feedback, but again, it would really help me out. So that's the short thing of what happened at the [00:09:00] Notion event. It's one of the main things, and I can go into that if you guys want.
Just provide feedback on the feedback form if you want to hear about my experience at the Notion Make event. you have a feedback form, you create solicit feedback. So how does this help you grow? you have to be measuring what matters
for podcasting, that is not tracking downloads, it's tracking engagement. how can we track engagement, it's tracking link clicks or ratings. It's having structured goals in the episode that you're measuring yourself. I've been really focused on getting the podcast Dialed in to generate interest and listen to the rest of the episode, just being super transparent.
So there's certain metrics that I'm measuring for myself, and how quick am I communicating from the title to delivering what the title says. And I want that [00:10:00] to be super quick, so that's just something I'm experimenting with right now.
So those are the two things that I'm really working on about how to track engagement The other thing with having a small show is that if you don't have enough people listening on the platforms that you're tracking the measurements on, like Apple or Spotify, they don't give you helpful data to help improve the performance of your show, right?
It's just a lot of stuff's not enough data, it's blank, which is not great. at the end of the day, you have. a Podcast, for me and my thing, I'll have, more clarity on what people like or don't like how to improve the show if I know what you love about the show.
I will do more of it. if there's things you hate I will do my best to change,and try it out, I'm all for running short term experiments to see how things feel, or to make the show more valuable to you.
[00:11:00] And of course, when you have a clear experiment to try and, have the courage to actually implement it for a little bit, and you have metrics that you're measuring internally or externally to help judge how well it does. that's all we can really,hope for from a performance standpoint.
When it comes to making a change to the show, changing anything can seem extremely scary. especially when you don't know if it's actually working for you or it's getting people to stop listening, Is it not relevant? Is the title not clear on what people are getting out of it.
You're not introducing an episode correctly. if you don't have a grasp on what's actually working and what's not you're going to make mistakes.
Metaphor Magic Or Mishap: The Force vs. Science
Shawn Buttner: All right, now we're in this new segment of the show called Metaphor Magic or Mishap where I come up with a metaphor on the fly that's either going to really encapsulate what we're talking about [00:12:00] or not quite cut it. It's fun. I hope you enjoy this. Let's get to it. if I were to think of a metaphor for feedback, Especially in the case of this podcast, I'm basically using the force to measure the success and growth of this show. I can get some Jedi to train me, but it still seems magical and at the will of these secret unknown forces. by taking the. Survey that's in the show notes below and helping provide me feedback.
It's helping move things from less mystical and more into a science, more of an analytical realm that can actually be helpful. So I hope you do that. Please, again, take 10 minutes to do feedback in the show notes. what I loved about this particular episode of The Meaningful Revolution is that I love sharing something that I'm actively working on with y'all.
I don't have this all figured out [00:13:00] and I thought you might like a snapshot into what's going on in the podcast, especially since I'm asking for feedback, feel free to fill out that survey. in the show notes, I'd love for you to take that survey, so just fill it out below.
What I Loved About This Episode
Shawn Buttner: With that said, if you loved this video, be sure to fill out the survey below and check out these videos from the podcast about clarity, because ultimately feedback is about getting clear about what's working, what's not working, or things you're not even thinking about, finding blind spots. as a high performance coach, I'm always helping people figure out how to clarify their goals, how to be clear on their values and how they're showing up.
Find More Clarity With These Episodes
Shawn Buttner: And so we have some other episodes for you to check in the show notes, with that, this is the end of the Meaningful Revolution podcast. This is Shawn Buttner signing off and we'll see you guys next [00:14:00]