Resonance and Values Metrics
Shawn Buttner: Most creators struggle to grow their audience because their content does not resonate. They pour in hours of effort. But the wrong people show up, or worse, nobody does. Today, we're breaking down the key metrics that high performing creators use to measure resonance, so you can attract the right audience and have a bigger impact.
Because when you don't resonate with your audience, you publish whatever you're working on and get short replies like, good, great, thanks for this. Or just Likes and thumbs up without any comments, or you get polite claps at the end of your talks and speeches, or you feel invisible and doubt if your work is helping with people because you're not getting feedback, but because you don't resonate, your audience doesn't grow or grows slower than you like, you attract the wrong audience leads, [00:01:00] so you'll see mean comments or people that will not buy your services, products and things.
Or, you spend a ton of time and resources creating so much stuff with very little gain. But when you resonate with people, after a book signing, people line up to wait and talk to you about your book, your ideas, and your messages. They comment thoughtful, positive, and engaged comments on your YouTube channel.
Or, after each YouTube video you publish, tons of thoughtful, positive, and engaged comments in the comment section. Or,
Your speeches get standing ovations and people tell you how much they needed to hear your message, how much it helped them and helped their families or helped their businesses thrive. And ultimately, you publish something [00:02:00] and your audience grows exponentially instead of linearly or not at all.
In today's episode of Creators that Crush, we're going to talk about why creators need to measure resonance.
We're going to talk about the key metric that separates creators that are crushed by their content versus those who crush it with their content We're going to talk about how you increase resonance with your audience through your personal Value that treat metrics and how you create those.
And we will end with one strategy you can do today to easily find your personal resonance metrics to improve your content Hi, I'm Shawn Buttner. Welcome to Creators that Crush, the show that helps you move from crushed to crushing it as a creator.
Story About Why Resonence Matters
Shawn Buttner: Imagine you start a podcast and maybe you call it The Meaningful [00:03:00] Revolution. And you work at it for two years and you spend money on hosting, you spend hours and hours and hours recording guests in interview format and yourself talking about what you love. Your ideas and how you help people and imagine that after two years, you notice that your audience grows about one to two people a month.
You believe you're creating something great and that people will love once they listen to it, but it's not really catching according to the data. And then you notice people that have been podcasting for less than a year have huge audience growth. At some point, you're going to ask yourself, what the hell is going on?
Maybe you're a certified high performance coach and you start to wonder why some shows grow at an exponential rate while others have a linear or flat rate of growth after each release. The answer between that difference through some research [00:04:00] is resonance with people, right? Not robots, but with real people.
At the end of last year, I hired a podcast coach because I wasn't getting the results that I wanted with the Meaningful Revolution podcast. And the first order of business working with this coach was to define the premise, the heart and the soul of the show. And Through that work, that's how this show, Creators That Crush, came to be.
And lo and behold, the show is growing at a much quicker rate because its heart resonates more with folks. shout out to Kevin from Grow the Show because you've really helped. more importantly, there's a hidden metric. That improved that I didn't see until this week, cause I, I never knew it existed.
How I Discovered URR, and What URR Means
Shawn Buttner: It's called URR. You might ask yourself, Shawn, how do you know that this new premise is working for your show? And what in the heck is URR? The short [00:05:00] answer, URR is the key metric that separates creators that are crushed by their content versus those who crush it with their content. So I was listening this.
Past week to Susan Boles conversation on Beyond Margins, podcast, with guest , Jay Acunzo. And Jay is a speaking and storytelling consultant whose job depends on helping people resonate with their audience. And it's a really amazing episode. Check it out. I'll post it in the show notes below because it's the first time I heard of this arcane metric called URR.
What surprised me about URR is how it validated my podcasting rebrand. And how? Jay defines URR as unsolicited response rate as a way to measure resonance with your content. Your
speeches, your stories, your messages, anything that you create and put out there. And it's measured like this, on a scale, of one to [00:06:00] six,
high scores generally are measuring the effort people put into interacting with you and your work. And it's all because they're compelled to do so, They heard something you said, or watched something you did, or consumed a course.
That taught them something, and they felt compelled to let you know how impactful it was. So those are the high scores. lower scores, are comments that are thumbs up or short sentences like great in the comment section. a polite clapping at the end of a talk. liking posts without interacting with it more.
And then, no scores are, the zero comments, zero likes, zero people talking about your stuff. Zero people interacting with you. You generally feeling invisible. So So again, the more effort people take to interact with your work, the more you are resonating. But that begs the question, how do you increase resonance with your audience, right?
So how do you improve this metric? How do you compel people to [00:07:00] respond to the things that you put out? The answer is value metrics.What are those? They are your personal values that help guide you in what to make, who to talk to, and how to gauge if you will stick with a project, topic, or task.
For example, YouTuber Evan Carmichael has one word and it's Believe.
And so when you join his private coaching group, or you watch one of his videos, it's all, Hey, Believe Nation. And surprisingly, because he has built his brand around the word believe, he surprisingly attracts people that want to believe more in themselves, in their businesses, and in their voice and messages.
And so it resonates with people that are looking for that or want that in their lives. Another example is in the Beyond Margins episode I mentioned before, Jay Akonso's value metric is resonance because he is a storytelling consultant. So he helps people [00:08:00] create resonance in their work.
And he had to build the metric around that idea. Susan Boles, who. Hosts that show, her one word is calm because her show is all about designing a calm business. So guess who naturally resonates with those messages? storytellers and calm seeking business owners. In my coaching business, I measure joy, growth, and impact for myself and my clients because I believe Everyone wants these three things in their lives.
And guess who tends to resonate with those three words in my business? Creators that are happy, learning focused, and purposeful in the content that they make.
So now you might be asking yourself the question, How do you create your value metrics? Now,
If we were to work together in a coaching relationship, we would go through an exercise that would help you define your value metricsWe would first go [00:09:00] over this exercise on our strategy call, which is what I offer for free before we get into coaching and then on the second session of the coaching program because it's really important. incredibly important to me as a coach to do this exercise with you.
And it's called the three word exercise.
I refer to these three words when I find them out about a client obsessively when we are working together because I noticed as a coach that people, number one, suffer when they act outside of their values. So when you're feeling lost or listless or Miserable or unhappy with a certain aspect of your life or your creative career.
It's because you're doing something outside of your value system, right? And these three words help me understand what those values are, so we can talk about it, It, too, helps people make decisions quicker because if you're hemming and hawing about something, there's [00:10:00] probably at least one value.
That's in conflict with an affirmative, or you're not clear on how it lands in your values, So there's a really rich conversation that happens around those types of things that happen around making decisions, especially if people are stuck. And then three, people do not like other people that are in conflict with their values,
They're not resonating with these people. So if you are an honest person, and you work with someone that lies constantly, You are going to be unhappy at work because you have to deal with this dishonest person every day,
If you are not creating content around your values, you are not creating content that resonates and listen, you probably are not talking and sharing enough of your values in the things that you create or in your day to day life enough. I'm guilty of this, everyone I've ever coached with, or my friends and [00:11:00] family, we as people are just not really great at this.
Even with the best intention and effort. But that's why this exercise is powerful. And versatile. For example, earlier I shared my three words, or my value metrics, for my coaching business. Joy, growth, and impact. And I want to work with happy learners who want to make things better in the world.
But the three words that define the best version of Shawn out in the world are optimistic, present, and creative.
I chose optimism because to me, optimism is the belief we can change things for the better with effort.
I know I'm my best when I am looking to solve problems or change things positively through action. And not getting stuck in my head, [00:12:00] not thinking shoulda, woulda, coulda, or this isn't right, and just complaining, and I can get stuck in those modes. But, when I'm my best self, I'm like, okay, here's the situation, what do we gotta do to make things better?
And it ties to my business value of impact, I think having an impact is positively changing things for the better and believing that you can. So you see how those are linked? That's actually cool. I never, I did these words, sets of words separately and I didn't realize how they link together, which is crazy.
okay. Let's see if this tracks with the next two. So I chose second presence because I know I can overthink, overanalyze, and get stuck in analysis paralysis. And this one helps keep me engaged and out of anxiety and worry, and doom and gloom expected in the future. And this actually ties to my business metric of joy.
This helps keep me happy in the work and in my [00:13:00] life so that I attract those types of folks.and I chose Creative because I enjoy problem solving and mashing ideas together. And this ties into my business metric of growth because it's learning, right? Putting together ideas or solving problems is how you advance knowledge.
And so when I'm being creative, Excuse me. So when I'm being creative, I know that I'm being my best self. my best clients, my best peers, my best friends, my best co workers, people that I naturally attract, when we really vibe, it's because they're optimistic, they are present and they are creative,
And maybe those aren't their values, but they tend to align with me on those. So the people around me resonate with my value metrics.
Define Your Value Metrics
Shawn Buttner: So how can you define your [00:14:00] three words? I got five easy steps First, grab a journal, a blank page or something to write on.
Step two, set a timer for 15 minutes. Step three, ask yourself the question, when I am my best self, what three words best describe that version of me? What are the three words that my friends, family, and coworkers would describe me that would make me feel proud
So, two different questions. to help you come up with words. Step four, start the timer and start writing down any words that come to mind. And then step five, when the timer is done, select the three words that best describe you
Sign Up For A Free Strategy Session
Shawn Buttner: And if you want more tailored help toward finding your value words, sign up for a free creative strategy call.
On these calls, we go through the three word exercise [00:15:00] together every time. It helps you define and implement your values and metrics. every month I have 10 spots open, so do not delay. Go to ShawnButner. com backslash apply. Link in the show notes, I figured I'd just bring that up right now since we're talking about it.
Where people go wrong with this exercise
Shawn Buttner: Soyou have your three words now, having gone through this activity. What are some things that will help First thing, do continue to update these three words. Don't think that you're one and done, Keep journaling about this until you find the three words that resonate with you the most.
So this does take some effort. you can start, and you don't have to lock these in for forever, Your life will change, your circumstance will change, the situation, the environment will change. so the best version of you might shift when you have kids or when you go into your business full time, or when you start to write your book and memoir or whatever the situation is,
This is a living document and most [00:16:00] people have a lot of churn the first week that they're thinking through this, and then it settles in, and it's pretty stable. my three words have been the same for the last 10 years. it's important, when you get it, you'll know it, and you'll know when it, it doesn't resonate with you anymore.
Two, make sure you have a habit to reflect on these every day, preferably early in the morning. don't do this once and never look at it again. the crazy value in this is even just thinking about your three words, right when you wake up, and connecting with them. Will impact how you make choices and how you show up for your day.
It's happened time and time again. Clients that I've walked through this are always super surprised at how powerful just doing this is. So I encourage you to have some type of habit to go through your three words every day, whether it's an alarm on your phone, post it by the mirror. In the bathroom, whatever works for you, [00:17:00]
third thing to consider is do not beat yourself up if on a particular day you don't live into your words, These are not here to shame you. It's to help you strive to be the best version of you. So think of it as like the Pirate Code. It's a guideline of how to live and to strive to live into those three words the best you can.
You're gonna have hiccups, life's gonna throw you a curveball, handle it with grace, get back on track when you can, you'll find that it'll be a nicer experience for you, especially if you are your own harshest critic. Fourth thing, make sure you're picking words that inspire you to become your best self.
Don't settle for who you are right now or for just okay. A lot of the work that I do one on one when I walk through this exercise, we go deeper, is to do what I did earlier, is define why you chose these three words, why they're important to you, how they connect to different [00:18:00] areas of your life. Because if they don't inspire you, you're going to stop checking in on them.
fifth thing is make sure when you have this defined that you're talking with family, with friends, your audiences, clients. These are words that you should share with the world and don't keep them to yourself. Because I think the more you share it, the more you'll see people, when you interact with them, resonate with it.
And then when you bring that into your work or your content. Kablamo, it explodes. It's really, amazing to see that. And it all starts with the people around you. So make sure you do that. And then finally, number six. Measure yourself weekly and monthly on a scale of one to ten on your value metrics,
This is. The self reflection habit that can help keep you on track or keep you from going sideways on things that aren't aligned to your values So 1 being low, 10 being high. And I'll be completely honest with you. I [00:19:00] don't consistently do the weekly and monthly measurements unless my life is really stressful or I'm miserable or,I'm struggling and it's these metrics that helped me move on from the corporate world twice in my career, it helped me take a great job that I had at Apple most recently and go whole hog into my coaching because I wasn't really happy, I wasn't learning things and I didn't think I was making as big of an impact as I could positively on the team that I was working on and, The world in general.
these are powerful. It can cause great change and every creator should have value metrics they aspire to reach because by defining and sharing your value metrics, you will improve your you are are or resonance with people. And when you're you are are improves. So does your audience growth.
Again, if you want help finding [00:20:00] your value words, Be sure to sign up for a free creator strategy call. On the call, we almost always go through this particular three word exercise to help you define and implement your value metrics. Each month I have ten spots open and people love this call because not only do you get this exercise, there's four other creator performance habits.
We go through to help you maximize your potential as a creator. Now, each month I have 10 spots open. So be sure to go to ShawnButler. com. Fill out the questionnaire. So we know what exactly to focus on during that strategy And. Schedule your call today and do it before you get put on the wait list because that's always a bummer.
Also, if you're like, I don't have time for an hour strategy call with you, Shawn, totally get that. You can sign up for my free crush it as a creator in five [00:21:00] days email course where for five days you'll get a strategy to help you crush it as a creator. And on day two of this free email course, we cover the three word exercise.
So if you're listening in the car or during your workout and can't go through the exercise right now, go to creators that crush. com, sign up and get the exercise sent directly to your inbox.