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Storytelling: Around the campfire with Patrick Mosher

Season #4

People LOVE a great story. But why are some stories better than others? What do people get wrong with storytelling? What are the components of a great story? Is storytelling only for movies or books?

This week on The Meaningful Revolution, we answer these questions, share stories, and more with my friend and our guest, Patrick Mosher. In our discussion, we talk about:

  • How to use stories to leave impressions on folks, for job interviews or winning big contracts
  • How EVERYONE's unique life can make for excellent stories
  • A three-point framework for becoming a better storyteller
  • A three-point framework for better crafting a story

If you want to tell stories better to connect with or move others to act, this episode is for you!


Patrick Mosher is an author, international speaker, world-class business advisor, certified high performance coach, U.S. patent holder in analytics, teacher, husband, father, and granddaddy. He has spent his lifetime helping individuals, teams, and organizations get from Point A to Point B -- with Energy, Momentum, and Achieving Success!

Follow up with Patrick:


Follow up with Shawn:

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