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Engagement Is Intention In Action

Season #5

Today we're going to be talking about why full engagement in all areas of your life is important for your personal revolution.

When you don't fully engage in all different areas of your life, you can't sustain progress. That's when you get exhausted and wore out.

When we are effectively able to engage in our health, in our careers, in our relationships, in our wellbeing, in our finances, and the list goes on and on, we are more resilient.

We are able to withstand things that happen that are out of our control a little bit easier. We are able to be more motivated, so we're less distracted, we're less. Impacted by the craziness that happens with people out in the world. We are more disciplined in our approach and we are constantly growing and pushing ourselves to serve at a higher level.

And so that's why engagement is so absolutely important to us living our meaningful revolutions. And when we don't, again, we fall into areas of distraction or pettiness. We hurt our health because we've put maybe work over everything else and we're unbalanced that way. So we're not eating right, we're not getting the right sleep and nutrition.

Check out my five beliefs about fully engaging in your life in today's episode of The Meaningful Revolution!


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