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Connecting Your Mind And Body For Optimal Performance, with Michael Ceely

Season #6

In this episode of The Meaningful Revolution, special guest Michael Ceely shares his practical tips on the brain-body connection for wellness.

Michael is a licensed therapist, coach, and business owner. With a keen interest in what makes athletes elite, he helps athletes and professionals develop better mindsets. Michael shares what health habits work for him in the hopes of helping others level up their health. Through his work, Michael strives to help others perform higher in their sport and lives.

Welcome to The Meaningful Revolution. Created and hosted by Shawn Buttner, this weekly show will inspire you to build a sustainable and fulfilling life worth living, without burnout. Our focus is on personal development, discovering your passion, and living your inspired life.

Check out the video podcast version each Thursday on YouTube, 6am PST and subscribe and listen on your favorite podcast platform.

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