S6E4 - Find Your Purpose
Shawn Buttner: [00:00:00] And here's the truth about finding your purpose, right? Your purpose is excavated from your life. It doesn't just get handed to you. Meaning that through consistent action, through consistently trying things, through, consistently trying to get a little bit closer to your truth, that we discover our purpose in life and purpose is right.
It could be different when you're young and focused on your career, then maybe it shifts a little bit or you also want to raise children or there's these life events and different phases of our lives that all commingle into what we really find as, our purpose or reason for going out and existing and trying to have an impact out in the world.
Another way to look at it too is that when you go hunting, you don't expect the deer. You [00:01:00] don't to jump right into your framing. You don't expect. The fruits and vegetables that you grow to chop themselves, right? You have to go out and get it to make that dish. That's why consistently focusing and trying to get clarity on your purpose is essential to your personal meaningful revolution.
I recently had a friend come to me and say, Hey, can I get some coaching on, purpose? And what's really interesting is in my experience, when you have this topic, it's fuzzy because again, people get so caught up. And especially in personal development, like you either have your purpose or you don't.
And it's amazing how people get led astray, right? Where people feel insecure, a about really identifying it and going after it. [00:02:00] Part of my job as a coach often is to help people just get clear on what they want and what they feel like their purpose is out on this earth. And you do that through a series of questions.
And a little bit of knowing people. You also see how people talk about their purpose, right? So if you're like, my purpose is, and the energy falls flat, and what I mean by that is it's like my purpose is to go to the office every day and do code and. Get paid. Also sometimes we're clear on what we want, but we just don't know the next steps to take.
We are not feeling like we can boldly step into what we want in life, what our purpose is, what our mission is, because we don't have the support. I don't, we want in life that sometimes we don't have the we're, we have these [00:03:00] fears. This is a better way to say this. We have fears that if we go and realize the purpose, it's not gonna be as awesome and amazing and impactful as we think it is right now.
So we don't try, or we think that it's gonna be really hard. We're gonna have to stretch yourself in so many different ways to go out and, make this purpose realized. And so you are afraid. You're afraid of the process of chasing that mission and purpose or we're afraid that we're gonna have to give up stuff, right?
That. By pursuing our purpose of ending world hunger, that we're gonna have to give up eating burgers and we're gonna have to give up time with our family because it's an all-consuming problem. See? Stuff like that. So there's, one of those three types of fears that generally will get in the way of people.
Stepping in with that bold, consistent action that's needed to, really hone in and refine and experience that, purpose. And [00:04:00] then we also sometimes just don't know the things to do, right? We can be clear at what our purpose is. We can have the right energy and excitement behind it. We can have that bold, consistent action, but that action could actually not be helpful.
And so when you, if you've ever felt like you've been spinning your wheels, that's. What's going on there? You so if you, want to help end world hunger, but the thing that you keep doing every day, in and day out is journal about what you're gonna do. Obviously that's not gonna get traction out in the world.
So we need a different approach. It could be good to, to brainstorm for a little bit, but if you've been doing that for 10 years of, I have all these great ideas on how to help solve a particular problem, but you're not doing the right things to get the results, that's gonna lead to frustration, and that's gonna lead you to doubt your mission.
It's gonna, you're gonna doubt your, purpose, [00:05:00] but That's not the only thing, right? The last thing that, that usually prevents people from feeling that they're on mission, feeling their purpose, is their ability to influence and move people into action. To move other people. To say Greta Thornberg, that the environment is something we all need to be acting on right now, and to devote your life to, getting people on board and, following that movement.
Whether that's environmentalism or whatever the, topic is, but you, get it. Like you really need the ability to move people into action to help make your purpose and mission more impactful to to, get that out. And that's what we talk a lot about on the podcast here is how do we live with more joy in our heart and happiness?
How do we progress the things that are important to us? Like our mission and how do we make sure that it's impactful? [00:06:00] Because when you have those three things in your life, again, that allows you to feel the meaning and the meaningfulness and, your day-to-day. And that's what we really need. So how do you go about thinking through getting more clarity on your purpose, having the right energy and excitement for it?
Having the bold action and consistent, action. To help realize it and the productivity that working on the right parts and influencing people. Part of it is like a chicken and egg thing, right? So you either have a clear version of envision for your purpose so you can go execute it or it doesn't feel right.
And you need to be clear in order for it to feel right and for it to feel right. You'd have to be clear on it. So that's why I said it's a chicken and egg thing [00:07:00] it's really about heating what you like about the things that you do and the things that you've tried, right? So maybe you're like, I really want to raise a million dollars for this particular cause and you really believe in the cause, but.
Part of that might be public speaking and you're like, I don't like to public speak. Is that mission strong enough for you to learn that skill to reach the next level, to raise the next level of, Fundage for that particular cause? That's one way to look at it. Because otherwise, if that learning, that skill of public speaking in this particular instance is.
Bigger than your desire to see, fulfill the mission to, to enact that and have that impact in the world. Of course, you're never going to be consistent at it and you're gonna fill off. [00:08:00] Yeah, how do you go about doing all that? This is a great way, again, to say hiring a coach can be really helpful here, because as a certified high performance coach, our five outcomes in general, not just in your purpose, but in all areas, you're going with this to help you.
Have higher levels of and sustained levels of clarity about who you are, what you're going after, your purpose, your mission, how you show up in the world, having higher levels of energy and conscientiousness in your life, meaning how are you able to. Show and generate excitement for the things going on in your life or to keep a positive attitude in the face of adversity.
And that resilience part we're helping you learn how to act more consistently and boldly and to confront the things that you're avoiding in your life. And we all have these things and our minds are designed to trick us into thinking. That we don't have these [00:09:00] types of blind spots, which is why you really need a coach.
But we also talk about and check in on, are the things that you are doing moving the needle? Are they busy work? Is it this phrase from my mentor, Brendan Bashard is, like, is this busy work or your life's work? And sometimes when you're in it, it's really hard to separate that and just asking yourself that question.
It can be really revealing and really impactful. And then finally, like how do you influence and move people to join your cost, to join your mission, to support you, to help propel and move things forward at a general level, forward your movement forward. Those, grant types of things.
And if you're interested in, checking that out, there's a link below this video for you to sign up for a free one hour high performance strategy session with me, where we go through those five different outcomes. Design a plan tailored to [00:10:00] you and your situation, and go through, give you some high performance habits to support you, develop a plan for you at the end of the call if we like each other and.
Wanna continue the coaching relationship, we talk about it. If not, we've delivered you a one hour call. That's amazing that, people absolutely love and will help you move forward in your life. So if you're interested, hit the link below this video and get signed up for either a free strategy session or you can pay it for it to be private.
If it's not private, I will post parts of it on my YouTube channel just to highlight. The coaching process. But you can, if you're like, I don't want to share totally cool, we have the, paid option for you to keep it private. So check that out again below. Outside of that, in coaching practice, and again this is such a big topic. [00:11:00] Without knowing your particular story, knowing your particular situation, your particular mission and drive and motivation and all of that type of stuff, it can be hard to speak in general. But we do know that there is an exercise that you can do that can help you gain some clarity.
And so this is something that you'll wanna take a journal out for and think about. And something that I talk extensively with, my coaching clients, but we talk about our mission statement, right? And really how this is that there's three different parts. There's the part where it's your to be, right?
So you wanna think about how you want to exist in the world outside of work, personal life just, as a, personal. Mission statement so for me, I want to always be [00:12:00] fully present and fully engaged with those around me. And it's also to. Sh be a loving person. So that's the, to be part of this.
And so as I'm saying this, you might jot down a couple of things in your journal or on your notes on how you want to be. And then the second part of it is to do right. So you know, for me, I want to help and love the people in my life. I want to. Show up as a thoughtful and creative person. So that's the second part to do.
And then the third part is the reasoning, right? So that others are inspired to live with more joy, with more growth, with more impact in their lives. So altogether, for me, really shortly, it's my mission statement, and I'll share this with you right [00:13:00] now, is to be fully present and engaged to help. And love on the people around me to inspire them to live with more joy, growth, and impact.
Pretty succinct, pretty lively. Something that I'm always workshopping and trying to get better at. And so as you are thinking about yours if, you are able to take notes, if you're not driving or whatever as you're, journaling on this, what is that for you? And I share this, and I share mine here on the podcast because it's something that if you want to inspire more people, you should be talking more about your personal mission statement.
And it's something that you can, again, you should be refining as, you talk and people ask questions about it or whatnot. But it's powerful. It's powerful when you have this on a note that's right by your computer every day. So when you log in, start your [00:14:00] workday, you see your mission statement.
It's great when you have it in the front of your journal so you see it and you, have that reminder every day. And when you talk about it with other people, inevitably they're going to be thinking about, what is my mission? What is my purpose? What, would that be for me? And. You just inspired someone to find a little bit more of their authenticity, right?
I think it's impossible to be authentic and be on to be inauthentic and on mission at the same point, right? Meaning you have to be authentic in order to have, be living your purpose, to be having an impact in your missions. And you have to be clear on it, right? So give it a try. Like, after this quick podcast episode, go and write your mission statement and think about that big y Think about the parts [00:15:00] that you're proud of in your life, that the best you when you are firing in all cylinders, when you're in flow, when you are making your biggest impact out on the world, not just for yourself.
But for your family, for your teams, for the people you lead, for the people in your community. It's a powerful thing. And I know that if you're here on the Meaningful Revolution podcast, listening to a, podcast called The Meaningful Revolution, that finding your purpose is definitely at the top of your mind.
And it's tough again, right? There's a lot of things that can go wrong. There's a lot of things that can really get in your way. So again, hit the link below in. The comments or the show description here and get signed up for an hour strategy session. It's impactful. So that said, I just wanna say it's hard finding your purpose.
It's not easy. It's a [00:16:00] big question. It's not something you're going to figure out in a 20 minute podcast. It's not something you're gonna find out in a week of journaling. It's a lifetime in endeavor. It's a lifetime sport, it's a lifetime pursuit. And it changes, like I said, like life changes and jobs change and hopefully you're getting closer to that thing that you know, that you are put on here to to, do.
And I believe everyone has that in. Amen. And I believe that for you. So definitely sharing you all on, I definitely am Would also love to hear what you think your purpose is. So if you would on the website or you could send an I'd say an email, but if you're listening to this, You go to the YouTube channel and then the comments there, put down what you think your purpose is.
I'd love to see them. I'd love to cheer 'em out. I'd love to do a follow up episode where I can [00:17:00] highlight it and cheer you guys on. For this because we really do need more people that are doing the work that are committed to putting and, having a positive impact out there. Because when you don't, that's when we get all the petty stuff and we don't need that.
So I want you to be part of this movement part of. This feeling of doing her life's work and doing it together. So again, put that in the comments on the YouTube channel. We'd love to hear from you if you would, to, it helps to share this episode with two or three friends you think might need to hear this message of finding their purpose of really getting clear on, on that next message.
I'd love to, to get the word out. And it's, this podcast works because of you guys. So as much as it's me here talking in front of a camera, in front of a microphone, you guys are what make [00:18:00] this special, what make this fun, and I love hearing from you. So you know, share this post on the YouTube channel and we'll see you next time on The Meaningful Revolution Podcast.