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When To Stop Something Comfortable For Something More Amazing

Season #6

Welcome to the Meaningful Revolution podcast, the safe space for introverted business owners and professionals seeking personal development. Hosted by Shawn Buttner, a certified high-performance coach, this episode delves into the journey of finding and following one's purpose.

In this episode, Shawn shares his personal experiences, having left his corporate job twice, and the lessons he's learned. He offers insightful guidance, prompting listeners to reflect on their dreams and the steps they can take towards realizing them. What if you decided to pivot from what's expected to pursue your true passion? How would your life transform? What's the legacy you want to leave behind?

Using his unique coaching approach, Shawn encourages listeners to embrace change and make purposeful decisions, emphasizing that if it's not a 'hell yes', it should be a 'hell no'. Don't miss this episode if you're ready to ignite your inner fire and make significant moves towards your big dream.

Check out the video podcast version each Thursday on YouTube, 6am PST and subscribe and listen on your favorite podcast platform.


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