YT S6E10 - Be Bold In Change
Shawn Buttner: [00:00:00] Today in the meaningful revolution, we're gonna be talking about change. And in particular,
Shawn Buttner: that change requires boldness, and so many people play it too small. So what do I mean by that?
Shawn Buttner: life is just a series of changes. You go from, being a baby to learning how to walk, to learning how to have a career and exist in this world somehow.
Shawn Buttner: And. It's all about transformations. It's all about growth. Intentional or unintentional consequences, and the people that end up being the highest performers, the most successful in business, in relationships in life can lean into those changes and find out how to make it work for them.
Shawn Buttner: Whether that's learning how to be better going forward, learning a new strategy, learning a new.
Shawn Buttner: Tidbit of just human wisdom that they carry with them going forward. And when we're able to [00:01:00] adapt and lean into change,
Shawn Buttner: that's when, we end up living an extraordinary life and a life of meaning. and that's what we talk about in the meaningful revolution is how do we live a life of meaning with meaningful pursuits in.
Shawn Buttner: Furthering our purposes, our causes, our goodness out in the world. And when we can't figure this out, that's when we struggle with change and we get stuck or we get left behind, or we end up being miserable because the org changed and we don't like our new team. And so we're not able to function as a professional or somebody.
Shawn Buttner: Went to therapy and now is advocating for themselves in a new way and we can't handle their changed behavior. And so the relationship goes up in flames or we feel like no matter what we do, we're stuck. And when we're stuck [00:02:00] and we believe that our actions don't lead to good things, it's hard to be motivated to change.
Shawn Buttner: And rightfully like that's a very human response. That's why we need to be consistently aware and open to different perspectives and ways of doing things. So if you can lean into the change, you can see opportunities as they come up and take them, versus being stuck in the old ways of thinking of the old ways of working, of the old ways of existing.
Shawn Buttner: And Thinking through this, I've been doing a lot of work in figuring out how tools like chat, G P T can, can really impact a relationship based business like this, right? The podcast part of my business, the meaningful revolution. It's easier to gr this, I'm also a high performance coach and my job is to guide people through transformation.
Shawn Buttner: They want to start a business, they want to change careers, they want to have, [00:03:00] deeper and richer health or relationships. And I'm not an expert in any of those individually, but I am expert in a process. That helps people discover those truths for themselves. And, it's amazing the, the folks that I've been very fortunate to work with, it's been really fulfilling for me, but hugely transformational for them.
Shawn Buttner: all that to say that work. Has nothing to do with an AI coach, right? Has nothing to do with generative large language models or, narrow versus wide based ai, right? And those are tools that are going to be impacting everyone's work currently, if not in the very near future in my belief at estimation.
Shawn Buttner: And I can say this too, having had a 14 year career in technology [00:04:00] and having to constantly manage the change, right? The stuff that I learned about computers, Growing up and in high school is completely different from the things that I learned in college for the two software engineering classes that I took.
Shawn Buttner: And that further on, everything that I learned at Walmart was, old technology that was 40 years old versus cutting edge stuff. And all of that is now like super old compared to what we're doing now out in the world with all the different things. And. Without getting into all the technical things, like a lot of people now don't use Java or visual Basic to, to create programs.
Shawn Buttner: people still do, that's stuff that I kinda learned on, I learned to HyperCard back in high school, and so things change, but with technology there's always a new like computer language to learn. There's always new bits of software, new paradigms to learn and. Doing that for 14 years.
Shawn Buttner: In order [00:05:00] to stay relevant, you had to figure out how to learn real quick. But you also had to learn out to have models in your head that helped you adapt to the new thing at the time. And Prime example from software is, a, the nuance of a computer language can be very nuanced, right?
Shawn Buttner: And it could require a lot of skill, but. Understanding that there's basic coding structures. There's if then statements, there's how do you handle exceptions, like basic, high level concepts really made it easy to be like, okay, if I write this same program in any language, it could be cobol, it could be Python, it could be JavaScript, it could be Swift, it could be something that has yet to be invented.
Shawn Buttner: You can learn 90% of what you need. By doing and covering all these different functionalities. and so it's the same with these AI tools, and [00:06:00] the difference is how accessible it is, right? Before you would need some type of experience or knowledge in computer science or programming yourself. Here, you can get away with, Not having learned all that and get in front of a tool like chat G B T and say, Hey, write me a hello world script in Python.
Shawn Buttner: We'll do that for you and then ask it to do all those different things that I said. How would you handle an exception in Python? Could you show me? And boom, you got it. You don't have to sit and think through all the syntax and the little things that drive you nuts when you're go, when you were going through that, that I don't think people anymore have to do, but.
Shawn Buttner: That's
Shawn Buttner: all to say, right? These tools, even though I have a relationship based job, and we're off on a tangent there for a second, these tools are fundamentally changing how I do [00:07:00] business. from taking, the video from this podcast, the cutting in the clips that I could then post on. Any of the social medias eliminating all the hours I spend editing to do a mediocre job.
Shawn Buttner: Because, honestly, and I'm not sure if you noticed, if you follow me on the YouTube channel, these videos are okay. They're not pretty, they're not anything like super high production value. it's just what I'm, I've been capable of and I'm very proud of that work. But it's not like Hollywood level, directed cinematography with.
Shawn Buttner: Seeing changes and all that stuff, it's just a guy and a camera trying to help people in the world. But AI tools can help with some of that stuff. AI tools can help with a lot of the written communication or, and the research of things, which has been very super interested. And so all of that to say is that we are in.
Shawn Buttner: A [00:08:00] huge shift in how we work. And I firmly believe this, I've not been excited about anything in technology. It's probably since the internet was created when I was in, anyway, it was created before, but came prominent when I was in middle school and high school. And so we're going to be living with the effects of this technology going forward.
Shawn Buttner: And the question is, what are you doing about it? How are you positioning yourself in your profession to capitalize and use this new thing to your benefit? because yeah, I've been telling people that, AI is not going to replace your job. It's going to be someone that can effectively use ai that will outproduce you.
Shawn Buttner: That'll do the. Work of a hundred people on a team because it can scale your productivity that much. And that's what interests me as a high performance coach and why we're talking about changing [00:09:00] change, requiring boldness, because it's scary and there's, and I'm not going to address all of the things that we need to be concerned about it because there is a lot of that too.
Shawn Buttner: We need to be level-headed about it. We need to understand what we're working with, but at the end of the day, we need to be embracing this change. And so I'll be talking a lot more about AI and how it changes the meaning of how we work. as I'm exploring it, like I don't have that answer figured out a hundred percent, and I'm still working through it myself and been talking with folks about it.
Shawn Buttner: And I'd love to hear what you guys think about it. So please, if you're watching this on the YouTube channel or if you're listening to this on your favorite podcast app, leave a comment for me so I can, understand what you guys are thinking about or concerned about or excited about. how things are changing, right?
Shawn Buttner: And how we can support you because [00:10:00] ultimately, Here's basically the land. All the story is we can't control all the change going on around us, whether it's AI tools or jobs shifting, or the economy or all those different things, but we can control how we approach it. We can't control what we do with these changes, and there's empowerment in that, and that's what I, living a meaningful, fulfilling life is.
Shawn Buttner: Is not being led astray when things shift, right? You can still find the meaning, you can still find the things that matter and impact in what you're doing. And we just need to double down on that. with that said too, like
Shawn Buttner: when it comes to change, it's a huge topic. There's so much that could go wrong. if you're thinking about changing your health, definitely talk to your health professionals or you're thinking about. Oh, maybe you're dealing with some trauma. You maybe need to talk [00:11:00] to a mental health professional or therapist.
Shawn Buttner: if you're talk, thinking about changing how you're, you're doing your personal finances, please talk to your accountant and, all those professionals, there's a lot of options and this Humble podcast can't com cover every single scenario, but we can give you some things to think about as we move forward.
Shawn Buttner: Basically I'm saying don't just quit your job cuz you're unhappy. Don't sell all your stock because you're going to make a big move. Don't, decide to go from like barely, getting outside every day in a running, 20 miles a week. these are our big changes that, that boldness is what we are talking about.
Shawn Buttner: but we also want to make sure we're doing it smartly and not in a way that's going to do harm. Cuz that would, that's the furthest thing that I want to do. so that's a consult. You're experts in this. And really what it comes down to[00:12:00]
Shawn Buttner: being bold with change. I think there's really just one. I wanna leave you guys with one thing today and usually I leave you with three to five, but. There's one idea to really help manage change. It's to tap into that play, right? it that, that sense of all that sense of fun that can happen when things are in flux.
Shawn Buttner: So in the AI example, go on chat, bt today you can sign up for free. It's like and. Ask it to tell a story about something that you've created, right? So come up with an idea of, maybe it's an animal playing in a particular city or area and it has a specific problem and you want it to have a moral to [00:13:00] that story.
Shawn Buttner: It could be something that basic, you type into this thing, it'll come up with a amazing story and you can play from there. but. It's quite amazing when you can get playing around with the stuff, what you can do with it. on a more serious note, like in my business, right? Cause I'm talking about how this is changing how we might think and value how we work, I've found that it's sped up summarizing content that I do.
Shawn Buttner: So like the description for the podcast that I'm doing right now that you're listening to. Is generated from ai, right? But it's generated from this transcript. So it's still my words. It's just, organized a little bit better, summarized a little bit more concisely and done in three minutes versus an hour of me agonizingly trying to figure out like, what was I actually saying?
Shawn Buttner: That's really important. And so it's a way to speed up that particular workflow. [00:14:00] And if you are a professional in today where you use a computer, And that could be you're using email or you're using like a Word document or your pages or spreadsheets. These types of text-based processes can be accelerated through chat sheet PT or Bard or any of the other AI tools.
Shawn Buttner: yeah, get out and play. if, and I'll throw this out to you, like what in your life? Is important enough to try to figure out how to be, get better at, right? And that could be, you wanna be a better musician. It could be you wanna be a better manager, you wanna be a better, cooler, there's all these different roles that we have a better parent and figure that out.
Shawn Buttner: And then my challenge to you is, Play around with chat sheet PT and see if you can get anything that's thoughtful or insightful from interacting with it. And what [00:15:00] you do is you go, Hey, in the, you go into chat gpt and you go, Hey, you know what, if I am working on Get Becoming a better parent, what are the top 10 bits of parenting advice you could give me and list links to where?
Shawn Buttner: Enlist your sources so I can understand where the information came from. Ask me any questions for clarity. Are you good with that? You can enter and. Answer the questions, see what spits out. I know you'll be floored. you can do that with woodworking. You do that with coding. You do that with any profession or any hobby, and I think just getting tactically in involved with it will get you so far ahead of so many people right now that have, are resisting and for good reason, but that's not you.
Shawn Buttner: So all that said, Just go out and have fun and play around with the this thing and [00:16:00] don't be so afraid of it that you don't act. And I'll say that again. Don't be so afraid of these tools. Don't be so afraid of change that you get stuck and do not act because it's that creation that, that, kinetic, physical thing that we do as humans that we find meaning in oftentimes, even if we're not sure what the meaning is.
Shawn Buttner: The act of doing helps us get a little bit of that clarity, and that's something that I'm constantly doing again with my clients. So if you guys are struggling with a particular change, if you're thinking like, how is my job going to be impacted by a tool like chat, G B T, definitely get in and play if you want some more.
Shawn Buttner: advanced thinking on it. We could always go and let's get on a strategy call. We can talk about your life, we can talk about the things that you're after and how maybe coaching [00:17:00] or one of my other programs can help you guys get to that next level. And so just go to show about just scope out that free strategy session.
Shawn Buttner: And I want you guys know too, that since you are on the podcast, soon I'll be releasing a chat g p T course for Professionals. So I'll have more on that soon, but I just wanted to tease that for y'all. and yeah, I'm looking towards probably the end of August when it'll all be said and done, but there'll be things up before then as I'm testing things out and making sure that it makes sense.
Shawn Buttner: So keep an eye out for that guys. Go out and play. Have fun. Lean into those changes. change requires boldness and you don't wanna play it small. And you don't wanna get stuck in resisting the change. So you might as well have a little bit of fun with it. So go out there and play. And this is Shawn Buttner saying, we'll see you guys next week on the Meaningful Revolution podcast.