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High Performance Habits For Creators

Season #9


In this solo episode of the Meaningful Revolution, host Shawn delves into the challenges of burnout faced by creators and professionals. He shares insights on how to focus on sustainable success, take necessary breaks, and maintain mental health. Shawn discusses the evolution of the Meaningful Revolution brand and its aim to inspire creators to take positive actions and avoid burnout. He highlights the importance of intrinsic motivation, effective habit formation, and overcoming fears related to creative pursuits. Shawn also reflects on the necessity of balancing competing interests, managing slow progress, and setting realistic milestones for success.

Key Points:

  • What Habits Do You Need To Succeed?
  • How Can You Get Back On Track After Disappointment?
  • How do you handle Slow Progress?
  • How do you handle competing interests as a creator?

Episodes & Show Notes:

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