Step By Step Guide To Increase Your Productivity From Anywhere
Boost your productivity in 7 days with FREE daily instruction from Certified High Performance Coach Shawn Buttner.
Do you want to work from home, or anywhere, but you worry you'll be distracted or passed up for promotions at work?
Sign up for FREE and get 7 live training videos, with detailed implementation recommendations, that help you up your work-from-home game!
Join the 7 Day Work From Home Challenge
The Schedule
Each day, for 7 days, we go live at 11am PST. When you sign up, you'll get email instructions on how to access each day of the challenge.
Step By Step Instructions
The #WFHChallenge is a guided 7-day course that gives you a clear process with daily video lessons, worksheets and action plans so you can implement and start making quicker progress right away!
Supportive Community
Gain access to Shawn's private Facebook Group just for Professionals and Entrepreneurs like yourself! Tap into the power and knowledge of a like-minded community as you build and grow!
All The Strategies And Tools You Need To 10x Your Productivity And Performance From Anywhere!
Expert Instruction
Detailed Video Instruction WIth Clear Action Steps
Shawn Buttner is a certified high performance coach with over 13 years of experience in software and technology.
His success as a coach is because he gives tactical and practical advice. You'll get action steps and worksheets to help you achieve more without burning out.
If you've ever wondered if there's a better way to work from home while creating tremendous balance in your life, then this challenge is for you!
The Work From Home Challenge
7 Live Video Training Lessons, Worksheets & Daily Action Steps to Help You 10x Your Productivity From Anywhere!
- Learn the Ultimate Productivity Model: Align Your Work + Personal Life + Passion.
- How to create the energy you need every day to CREATE and PRODUCE in any space.
- Why you need to have a better communication strategy when your team is in multiple locations.
- Learn key tools and strategies to keep you focused and productive each day.
- Establish your communication rhythm, so you build relationships with key members of your team.
- Lead more effectively remotely through this six-step model.
Meet Your Coach
Shawn Buttner is a certified high performance coach, and personal development trainer, helping professionals, small business owners, and entrepreneurs live to their full potentials.
Shawn has a successful career - first as a software engineer, working for Wal-Mart and then Apple. His clients love his approach to personal development. Through coaching, he has helped people start businesses, change careers, get consistent in creating better health, and lead technical teams to higher performance.
Experience The Power Of Elite Coaching, Focused On Getting You Less Stressed, More Productive, and Happier Wherever You Work!
Challenge Schedule:
Day 1 - Define Your Goals - Learn why weekly goals are important to your communication and sanity! If you struggle with knowing the value you add to your team, or people noticing the work you do, then you probably need a little help here!
Day 2 - Set Your Weekly Intentions and Expectations - Get clear on how you want to feel and communicate throughout the week. If you're worried about being noticed by your boss while not in the office, this is a must-see session!
Day 3 - Create Energy And Vibrancy - Ever suffer Zoom fatigue? How do you handle low moods or when you feel unmotivated? Learn strategies to keep positive, energetic, and motivated!
Day 4 - Bold Communication - Avoiding misunderstanding, clearly communicating, and advocating for yourself is essential to keep productive
Day 5 - Harness Your Focus and Productivity - Ever struggle with keeping focused or productive? Learn these best practice strategies to maximize your focus and efficiency during the day
Day 6 - Create Your Weekly Schedule and Rhythm - You win or lose your day by your calendar. Create a daily and weekly rhythm to keep productive and moving forward.
Day 7 - Use Remote Soft Skills - Do you have team-mates or coworkers in a distributed team? How do we effectively lead when everyone is in a different room?
The Work From Home Productivity Challenge Start:
10x Your Productivity at Home
with the #WFHChallenge
World class strategies and tactics to help your productivity when you work from home