What's The #1 Thing That Keeps People From Advancing Quicker?

All high performer have one thing in common when it comes to success.

At the end of this video, I'll explain how you can get the process and support to achieve and succeed even quicker!

Apply here to get the support and process to help you transform!

What If You Had The SUPPORT and PROCESS To TRANSFORM Your Career, Personal Life, and Relationships?

When you go on a tour in a new city, you want someone who know's the way around and how to tailor the experience to your interests.  The same goes for the best ways to advance your life!

What if you could proceed in 2021 with more CONFIDENCE in your ability to get ahead?  To upgrade your career for more abundance?  What if you could take back control of your life and THRIVE?


Because it’s not easy. And most people are struggling more than they have to in these areas.

Even though we all have big goals and dreams, most people today are drowning in stress, overwhelm, and uncertainty.

The sad thing is that if they don’t figure out how to turn it around, they’ll not only fail to accomplish their dreams, but as the economy keeps getting better they’ll simply be left behind.

So think about YOUR life.

  • Are you stuck in old or bad thinking about yourself? Do you have beliefs like, “I’m not worthy enough for success in my career," "I don't deserve healthy and loving relationships," or "I'm not enough.”  
  • Have you stopped feeling progress in your life because you stop improving? When your growth stalls out for a while, you start to feel restless and without a calling or purpose.
  • Did you give up your power to make change in your life? Because it’s comfortable to continue with the status-quo, or because you stop believing change is possible?

I can help you...

Hi! I’m Shawn Buttner, Certified High Performance Coach, and I help professionals transform their careers, so they don’t burn out.

I became a coach because I love helping people.  I struggled to figure out what my next steps were in my career, and thought coaching skills would help me better lead engineering teams and move into management.  Have you ever pushed yourself to be better, and it caused you to change your plans?

Well, I fell in love with the process and results of CHPC. The process not only helped me figure out my next steps, it showed me what I wanted to do "when I grew up."

I loved having an intelligent, pointed conversation with folks that helps them learn, grow, and advance! It's an extraordinary feeling and how I measure a good day. I know my passion for coaching can help transform people’s lives.


High performance coaching will completely change how you feel, manage your day, and influence others.

So what makes CHPC different from other coaching programs and styles? Well, it’s a science-based process that is proven to help people get breakthroughs in their lives. 

My clients generally have enjoyed four outcomes from coaching:

  1. Clarity: Figuring out why they do the things they do, feeling more confident moving into the future, or figuring out what’s important to them. Sometimes you need a coach to provide the right perspective, questions, 
  2. Challenge - The push to be a better person, and believe in a better version of yourself is powerful.  
  3. Congruency - CHPC helps you align your life towards your goals. Ever wake up in the morning fully connected to your purpose? You tell everyone you are on fire. What if you could systemize these types of good days? That’s why you need an experienced coach to help tease, clarify, and figure out how to make good days more consistent.
  4. Camaraderie: CHPC is a collaboration process to cheer you on when you win, talk you through when things get tough or fall short. A CHPC is in it for your best self and future.

Thousands of folks have self-rated high performance coaching a 9.7/10 in satisfaction. That’s why CHPC is the highest rated coaching program in the world!

What Is Certified High Performance Coaching?

Let's define what high performance is, and how it feels before talking about what's in the program.

High Performance is consistently succeeding beyond standard norms, while maintaining positive health and relationships.

The goal of high performance is High Performance Living -  defined as the ongoing feeling of full engagement, confidence, and joy that comes from living from your best self.

We accomplish high performance and high performance living using the high performance process - a science-based, outcome driven framework to help you discover insights about your life, make decisions, improve performance, and live better overall.

The twelve session and topics of high performance coaching are:

Interested in experiencing this comprehensive coaching process yourself?  

To begin and to see if you qualify, just follow these instructions right now:

Step 1

Fill out the high performance application by clicking the button below.

Step 2

Complete checkout after the application, and schedule your first session!

If we are not a good fit or there are no times available, you'll be contacted for next steps.

Complete The Questionnaire and let’s make this your breakthrough year.

You really have nothing to lose!! 

You have two sessions to see how it feels, and if you don't love it 100%, request a full refund!  That's two FULL hours of coaching to try it out.

I believe in this process so much, that I know you'll want to continue after the second session!

And if you get put on the waitlist, you have the option to get a full refund, too. 

No hassle.

Let’s create your game plan together…

And transform your life with the Certified High Performance Coaching Process