Why Coaching?
Most people hire a coach for FOUR main reasons.

Dara B.
- "High Performance CoachingĀ helped me clarify my purpose in life, not just in a big dream kind of way but also in a concrete daily practice way. It forced me to look at the things in my way and gave me strategies to overcome them, personal strategies that work for me. I honestly wouldnā€™t have weather this pandemic so well without them!"
What's the #1 thing everyone in the world wants?
I believe that the answer, quite simply, is:
- They want more success at work.
- They want more happiness.
- They want more passion in their relationships.
- They want more money. More energy. More productivity. More meaning.
- Everyone wants more of the good things that life has to offer, right?
Well, to get more, people need to activate their full potential. They need to hit a higher gear and become high performers at whatever they do. They have to become more focused, productive, influential, and successful.
But it’s not easy. And most people are struggling more than they have to in these areas.
Even though we all have big goals and dreams, most people today are drowning in stress, overwhelm, and uncertainty.
The sad thing is that if they don’t figure out how to turn it around, they’ll not only fail to accomplish their dreams, but as the economy keeps getting better they’ll simply be left behind.
So think about YOUR life.
- Do you feel you’re being as productive, influential, and successful as you want to?
- Are you struggling to stay focused, to get ahead, or to better influence your team or customers?
- Have you reached a plateau in your progress and struggled to breakthrough to the next level of joy, power, and achievement?
- Have you gotten tired of being at the same level of success and happiness for too long? Do you miss the pulse and vibrancy of growing and contributing at your highest levels?

James H.
- "Shawn has a knack for getting me out of my comfort zone simply by asking the right questions. I often finished our sessions with excitement to get to work on the plan we crafted as I worked towards a better me."
I can help you...
My journey started when I was working full time at a job I didn’t feel passionate about, with a long commute and a full work day. I wasn’t able to enjoy my family, friends or even take time to consider my future.
Each day I was losing precious time and missing once in a lifetime memories with my family working at my desk or even worse sitting in traffic just trying to get home at a reasonable time.
My life started to change when I read the book High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard, he introduced me to the opportunity of true high performance. That led me on a journey to improve my own life, find passion again in my work, my family and my friendships.
Now, not only do I live by these principles, and continue to work on improving my own levels of high performance, I coach other people with one-on -one coaching taking them through the research and science based principles to achieve high performance in your life.
Devin B.
- "Shawn provided me with tools tailored to my needs specific to each roadblock. After the first session, I was already seeing results in my life!"
These strategies will completely change how you feel, manage your day, and influence others.
I want to give you the exact strategies and questions the world's most accomplished and influential people use to manage their emotions, schedule their days, persuade others, and keep their passions and purpose clear and alive. Knowing these will transform your life.
And, frankly, if you’re not following the six principles I’ll teach you, then it’s almost impossible to get ahead these days. I’m telling you all this because I’d like to help you right away.
If it’s your time for a dramatic change and rapid advancement in your personal and professional life, then I’d like to work one-on-one with you to break through your barriers and help you reach your highest potential and performance in all you do.
To begin, and to see if you qualify, just follow these instructions right now:
Step 1
Fill out my questionnaire for a free strategy session. Remember I will send you a Free copy of High Performance Habits just for completing the questionnaire and attending the first strategy session.
Step 2
Once I review your application and determine you’re a right fit, I will schedule a free one-on-one consult with you. It's that easy and I'm looking forward to working with you. Yes, really – I’ll help you for free on this one!
You really have nothing to lose!!
I believe so much in High Performance Coaching that I don’t need any commitment from you more than just filling out your questionnaire and scheduling that first 60 minute session with me.
It will give me an opportunity to see if you are ready and committed to improving your life, and make sure that honestly we are a good fit in our communication style.
If you don’t feel like this is your time, you will get the benefit of the questionnaire and the first session of free coaching with no other obligation and I will send you a copy of that same book that first changed my path.